Monday, August 10, 2009


Bossip: You recently went in on bloggers and how negative they can be… yet you sit down with the biggest blog site out,, to promote your current projects. Why is it ok for blogs to report the good and not the bad?

LeToya: I feel for one, bloggers they’re good when you’re in the middle of a project or something like that, and that visibility, they keep you out there. I feel that some people in this day and time, they’re just looking for negativity. They are so quick to show a person messing up here and messing up there, but it’s like did they see me when I was at this charity event, but to some people that’s boring and I’m not saying it’s the blogs fault for that, it’s addictive, I mean I go to your site every day, so for that reason you have to take the good with the bad. There are some sites like your site that don’t put a prejudged title across a picture.

Bossip: That brings us into our next question, are there any specific blogs you absolutely hate?

LeToya: Oh no, I’m not going to hate on anybody. But you do have some sites that give a picture and say “Look at LeToya looking a Mess.” And then you already have a prejudged opinion before you even look at the picture and you’re waiting to see me look a hot mess.

Bossip: It seems like every time we hear your name it is constantly followed by Beyonce or Matthew Knowles, how do you feel about that? Seeing as you are building your own identity after that situation.

LeToya: I think the thing
about that is people are going to always associate me with that, it’s a thing from my past and it’s nothing that I’ll ever get frustrated about because that’s where people know me from. Me, Bey and Matthew, we haven’t seen each other in a while, besides the last BET Awards before that I hadn’t seen her in years. People would like to surround that with conflict and negativity but it’s not about that. She’s gone on with her career
and I’ve gone on with mine. We don’t see each other and square up or nothing like that.

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