Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kelly: Life as I know it

KELLY Rowland, 29, is now an award-winning solo artist. She is single and lives in Miami…

If I could change anything about myself I’d… make my feet smaller. I’m a size seven and a half.

The most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me… is send me jars of my favourite candy, Lemonheads. It worked, too.

Not a lot of people realise this but I’m very good at… doing make-up – in all those years of having it done for me, I’ve learned a few things.

You may not know it but I’m no good at… tennis – which is a bit embarrassing, because Serena Williams is one of my best friends.

To wake myself up I… just hop out of bed. That’s never a problem for me. Last thing at night I always… pray.

When I’m feeling down I… realise how blessed I am. Things could be a lot worse.

My “happy” place is… being among musicians, with great friends or just doing nothing.

When I get time to myself I… play poker – I’ve recently learned.

The best thing my parents taught me is… when I was a kid and I’d sing along to the theme songs of the TV shows we watched together, my mum always told me to “sing out”.

It’s not good for my image but I like… swimming naked in the ocean. I’d love to do it in Miami but I’m scared of the paparazzi.

My greatest weakness is… sweets and cakes.

If I could pass any law it would be… that I could arrest any cops who are rude. Every one I’ve met has had a bad attitude. They should be role models for a child to look up to but so many of them are mean.

I drive… a big SUV. I love being so high above the road.

The song I can never get out of my head is… my own song When Love Takes Over. It’s so catchy.

When I was a child I wanted to be… like Whitney Houston. I wanted to have a voice like hers which was great and is still as great to this day.

My biggest regret is… I don’t have any. I’ve made mistakes and learned from them but there are no regrets.

My proudest moment was… a perfect concert performance that I gave in South Africa.

The shop I can’t walk past without buying something is… Roberto Cavalli or Ralph Lauren.

I know I’m having a bad hair day when… I have to wear a wig.

My perfect Sunday is… church, brunch and chilling out by watching my favourite movie Love Actually. I love the message of that film.

My favourite place in Britain is… any park when it’s sunny. The parks in the UK are more peaceful and beautiful than those anywhere else.

On my last holiday I went to… It’s been so long I can’t remember where or when I went.

What book are you currently reading? The Millionaire Next Door – it’s about how people get rich.

The best day of my life was… not to sound narcissistic, but it was when I realised how important I am. That was only a few years ago.

My last meal would be… pancakes, sausages, omelette and grapefruit. That’s the real deal – the Evander Holyfield of breakfasts.

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